Building, or better improvising, when you are
Outdoors. Using only your technical skills and the simplest materials to build, develop or manufacture technical equipment - in my case
HAM related gizmos - is called
Today I built a 10 m Monoband Antenna,
improvising with the equipment from my Ham-Shack.
Antenna, RG-58 Cable, yellow/gn 1,5mm2 Antenna wire (H07 something) and red extension cordage for mounting |
Socketing.... :-) |
I am using the socks, filled with stones and tightened up with a reusable cable tie, as a counter weight to mount the antenna.
Flexible system to reconnect or adapt |
Connecting antenna wire with the extension cordage, in a flexible way. You still can cut of the ends of the cable for better tuning. I cut two 2,54 m pieces of cable for antenna wire.
Connecting RG-58 cable with the antenna wire. |
Wago clamps, use the orange ones, they are designed for flexible cable, so
you don't need a cable shoe
RG-58 cable with PL Connector |
Tool's & Parts |
I had the antenna connected, SWR&PWR was OK. I´ll try it in the next weeks, outdoors, QSO , I'll keep you informed of the results.
If you do plan Bush-Engineering, what we will practise in the next week, is:
- Don't use Wago clamps, twist the cable
- Don`t use tape, use wood or leaves
- Don`t use H07 cable, use electrical fence wire
- Don't use plastic cordage, use nettle cordage