Monday, 22 April 2019

Bush-Engineering: 10 m Monoband Antenna

Building, or better improvising, when you are Outdoors. Using only your technical skills and the simplest materials to build, develop or manufacture technical equipment - in my case HAM related gizmos - is called "Bush-Engineering"

Today I built a 10 m Monoband Antenna, improvising with the equipment from my Ham-Shack.

Antenna, RG-58 Cable, yellow/gn 1,5mm2 Antenna wire (H07 something) and red extension cordage for mounting

Socketing.... :-)
I am using the socks, filled with stones and tightened up with a reusable cable tie, as a counter weight to mount the antenna.

Flexible system to reconnect or adapt

Connecting antenna wire with the extension cordage, in a flexible way. You still can cut of the ends of the cable for better tuning. I cut two 2,54 m pieces of cable for antenna wire.

Connecting RG-58 cable with the antenna wire.
Wago clamps, use the orange ones, they are designed for flexible cable, so you don't need a cable shoe
RG-58 cable with PL Connector 

Tool's & Parts
I had the antenna connected, SWR&PWR was OK. I´ll try it in the next weeks, outdoors, QSO , I'll keep you informed of the results.

If you do plan Bush-Engineering, what we will practise in the next week, is:

  • Don't use Wago clamps, twist the cable
  • Don`t use tape, use wood or leaves
  • Don`t use H07 cable, use electrical fence wire
  • Don't use plastic cordage, use nettle cordage


Tuesday, 16 April 2019

AE6110 to 10 m Band Modifikation

Day Off, so whats better to modify my Albrecht AE6116 CB Radio into a propper 10 m FM HAM Radio.

I just had to solder a bridge between OP 2 Jumpers, thats it. (You see it marked in the pic, Caution ESD!) 

A bit complex to switch the Frequency on the 6110, but I am just using it portable to get connection to the base camp (At present my wife DO2KGW).

Measuring roughly the SWR and FM Power, it's about 8 Watts-ish

Working - up and running 

73! DO1WGH

Monday, 15 April 2019


"Week overflow" Problem. Ich hab ja damit gerechnet, das mein altes Navigationssystem das Problem eventuell hat. Gechecked...alles Ok. Route berechnet, Ankunftszeit Ok.

Nope.....nach ein paar Kilometern - besy crash...nichts geht mehr.

OK, Plan B, Handy mit Google. Geht......

Nope....Absturz nach ein paar Kilometern...

OK, Plan C, Ich hab die Route Punkt zu Punkt vorher noch auswendig gelernt. Das hat mir meinen Südpol gerettet....mitten in der tiefen Pfalz.

Ich probiere jetzt erstmal das Thema Navigation mit der Navigator Free Software aus. Ich möchte ein wenig unabhängiger, vor allem geräteunabhängiger werden.

Habt Ihr evtl. noch andere Empfehlungen ?

Was ich suche ist:
  • Vorgefahrenen oder gespeicherte Routen nachfahren können....
  • Gute Navigation auf Feld- und Waldwegen ?
  • Evtl. auch tauglich zu Fuss Navigation ?

Mittelfristig werde ich mich wohl das Thema APRS einarbeiten, Grob gesagt, Navigation mittels Amateurfunk.

Jedenfalls habe ich eine neue Location für meine Outdooraktivitäten, und das ist viel Wert.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

News in a Nutshell

Hi Guys,

as you can see I got my HAM License Class E, my QRA is: DO1WGH. 

Keine Fotobeschreibung verfügbar.

Furthermore I signed in for the 100 km Dodentoch March in August 2019.
( Training is ongoing. I keep you informed.

I also passed my Hunting License for Germany, and some special certifications. My Dog got her "Vollgebrauchshund" Prüfung, roughly translated: Full Working Dog License for Hunting.

Bild könnte enthalten: Hund, im Freien und Natur

Oh, yes, by the way, I was known as Irlandwolfi.

See u and 73!
